AFS Defensible Space Assessment

Know exactly where you stand when it comes to wildfire risk

Maintaining defensible space in the Sierra foothills is all about balance. A barren, lifeless property would be very fire safe, but provide nothing for the local wildlife, and be unappealing to live in for most people. A dense, lush property can be visually attractive, but carry with it an extreme risk of wildfire. AFS can help you find the perfect middle ground.

The state and local fire agencies produce guidelines for property owners regarding minimum requirements that must be met for a home to be considered fire-safe by those agencies. We use these guidelines as our starting point, and improve on them in a few ways.

When forming a defensible space plan, we not only consider the appearance and the function, but also the natural variables of the particular site. The best defensible space is one that can accommodate a wildfire and sustain no more injury than would normally occur in a completely natural setting. By carefully manipulating the spacing and size of trees, shrubs, and ground covers, it is possible to recreate a natural looking space, with very low fire potential.

We can assess your property against the local regulations, and also our own recommendations, to ensure that you are getting the maximum use and safety out of your space. This can be a valuable tool to property owners that are willing and able to perform the work on their own, but may be unsure of their property's exact needs.